Ingrooves offers the most advanced proprietary technology, data-driven analytics, and solutions available to independent labels & artists. Our in-house technology and innovation team includes world-class Ph.D. data scientists, statisticians, and mathematicians, creating game-changing tools that are helping labels increase revenue, save time and money, and streamline operations.

In 2020 and 2021, Ingrooves was awarded multiple U.S. patents for the invention of proprietary, privacy-focused marketing methods using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Our patented breakthrough technologies enable independent labels and artists to engage audiences, build their fan bases and grow their businesses more efficiently and effectively.

Smart Audience and Register are two of our proprietary solutions empowering partners to address some of the global music industry’s biggest challenges.



Smart Audience is our advertising solution that helps you increase revenue by identifying consumers who are more likely to stream music when exposed to targeted ad campaigns. Smart Audience uses our proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) advertising technology that enables music marketers to identify high-value audiences based on listening behavior. The high-value audiences identified are more likely to stream specific content on digital music services after being exposed to a particular artist through a Smart Audience ad campaign. The success of Smart Audience ad campaigns is measured by increased conversion into streams versus an increase in ad clicks, giving marketers a powerful new metric with which to measure ROI.



Register is our suite of royalty accounting solutions designed to fit every label, no matter their size and complexity. Whether a label needs a solution to do the basics like split payments, a more complex do-it-yourself royalty accounting solution, or in the rare case a full-service custom solution that handles everything from top to bottom, these innovations fill a wide variety of needs for our diverse roster of labels and artists. And those same full-service industry pros are available to all tiers on an hourly basis, ready to walk you through your toughest questions.